Community Services

Check out our services aimed at supporting you or someone you know who lives locally

Hampton and Hampton Hill Voluntary Care provide a range of community services as part of the charity’s objectives.

Registered Clients

To use our services we ask you to complete a simple registration form and make an annual donation of £25 to help towards the costs of providing our services.

If you feel unable to make a donation, please do chat to us as we still may be able to help! After all, our aim is to help local TW12 people!

Some additional charges are required to cover the costs of specific activities, such as our weekly excursions and shopping buses.

Befriending Service

We support local people with regular visits or telephone calls from one of our volunteers. Discover more about:

Shopping Services

We can support people with their weekly shop with a volunteer who will shop on their behalf.

Get Digital

Not everyone has access to digital services. Our volunteers will help and we can provide equipment on short term loan enabling clients to join in with groups and activities on-line.

Walking Buddies

We have a group of volunteers who are able to support you in getting out for a regular walk and motivate you to take some gentle exercise. We can organise this on both a 1 to 1 or small group basis. The walks are targeted at the ability of each person or group.

Volunteers are not able to offer physical support, so you will need to be able to walk and manage yourself independently.

Community Transport

We organise accessible transport taking people to our regualr groups at Greenwood Community Centre and on weekly excursions .

We also have a team of volunteers who use their own cars to help take people to health appointments, social activities, faith groups and community services. Find out more.

Get Social

Stay connected with others and help maintain your general wellbeing. If you find it hard to get out and about on traditional public transport, we may be able to help!

We run weekly excursions on our minibuses and seasonal events at Greenwood Community Centre for our registered clients.

On your Doorstep

For those who find it hard to leave the house we offer services to your very own doorstep. We have volunteer cycle couriers to help in a variety of ways, including:

  • Collection and delivery of prescriptions
  • Welfare parcels – such as activity/craft packs and seasonal treats
  • Food parcels – we can source food parcels for some of our clients
  • Book deliveries for the Book Club
  • Jigsaw Library – delivered and collected once you have finished.

Birthday Project

As a way of showing our registered clients we’re thinking of them, we make sure they receive a card on their birthday. Cards are handmade by a group of our volunteers and include a reminder that we are here to help if they need us. 

Men’s Group

This group offers local men the chance to meet weekly at Greenwood Community Centre for a range of activities including quizzes, discussions, craft and games. The group is open to anyone but has a focus on activities and discussions surrounding issues and subjects most suitable for men. Find out more.

Women’s Group

This group and echoes the same structure as the group for men.

The group is also open to anyone but has a focus on activities and discussions surrounding issues and subjects most suitable for women.
