Hampton & Hampton Hill Voluntary Care supports local people in the local community who may be feeling lonely or isolated. Our volunteers make a weekly visit or telephone call to provide some regular, friendly contact.
Loneliness can affect people of all ages, but it can become worse in later life. In the UK half of all people over 75 live alone and 10% of over 65’s say they feel lonely. But it is not always older people that suffer from loneliness but includes those who are housebound for other reasons such as ill health, learning disabilities or lack of mobility.
The effects of quality befriending can be very significant as it opens up new directions and activities increasing self-esteem and social skills by developing a positive relationship with the befriender. For every person needing our help we assign a volunteer who provides friendly conversation and companionship on a regular basis over a long period of time. This may be done by a volunteer visiting people in their own home and integrates well into other schemes and services that we offer. One result may well be people being able to remain longer in their own homes.
Our services offer supportive, reliable relationships through volunteer befrienders to people who otherwise would be lonely and socially isolated. We also provide a telephone befriending service where a daily or weekly phone call is made at a regular and agreed time.
Our volunteers are carefully matched to each person to help ensure that everyone has a common interest to chat about. Some of the people using this service have found it a great introduction to our groups, transport service or our activities.
Find Out More
If you would like a befriender, you can get directly in touch with Pauline Hollis our Befriending Coordinator on:
T: 020 8979 9662